Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Reason #76 for yelling at your girlfriend...

She says hello and/or something nice to every person in the room when she arrives to hang out with you. Yes, a boyfriend once told me off for being kind and said I was "attention seeking." I'm an introvert and I work hecking hard on my manners. It was a lot of work to bond with his friends.

So, you're a dick if you yell at your girlfriend for that or most any other reason. Yell to save her from danger. Yell in exuberance if she makes you really happy. Otherwise, shut your face and if you feel threatened by her behavior is it because she is holding a knife or because you are holding personal insecurities that you need to work out on your own time and stop blaming others for?

What are we making today? Frittata!

Feeds 2-4, depending on side dishes you might want to add on.

Tools needed:
Cast Iron Pan
Wooden spoon
Cutting Board

2 Tb Butter
Leftover bread ends (cut up and save several in sandwich bags in the freezer so you can make this anytime AND not have to have sad sandwiches in order to not be wasteful)
Mushrooms diced (optional)
1/2 onion diced up
8 eggs, up to 3 more if you just want to use up lots of eggs
Cheese, your choice. Whatever is hanging out in the fridge/freezer, use up the leftovers!

Eggs are SUUUUPER cheap at the moment thanks to all the chicken-keeping hobbyists. And if you are one of the chicken-keeping hobbyists you probably have more eggs than you ever wanted to see in your fridge in a week. This recipe is so simple and uses up a lot of eggs for you.

Start with getting everything organized because this comes together pretty quickly and you don't want to burn the bread while whisking eggs. Start by turning the oven on to 390. Why? Because we like to be weird and no one else is doing it.
Start melting the butter in the cast iron pan on a high-med heat, when melted add the onion and mushrooms and fry for 5 min stirring with your wooden spoon regularly so they don't burn. Add the bread and if you have butter to spare, add another tablespoon.

Add the bread, leave it rest for a minute or two to get some color on each side before you stir and toss. This step you should watch carefully and don't burn the bread. As soon as you see golden brown sides on your bread chunks, pour in the eggs on top, sprinkle some pepper on and DON'T STIR ANYMORE. Turn off the heat. Sprinkle your cheese all over the top to your liking, you can do a lot. I usually have about 1/4 cup. Or a handful :)

Put the pan in the oven, set a timer for 5 minutes and come back and take a peek. Are the eggs getting puffed up and a little golden brown on top? If yes, pull them out. If not give it another 5 minutes until you see it looks like my picture.

I suggest serving this with hot coffee at a minimum. If you have some orange juice, yogurt, fresh fruit, etc. add some sides and make it a brunch! Either way, you will be a hero to your friends for this lovely hot meal.

Nom nom.

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